The earth has rotated into the time/space of June 5, 2021. I don’t have high expectations for today because I understand Buddha’s 3rd Noble truth and I try not to set my goals too high. I’ve found that the world won’t conform to my desires. That’s why I end each post with the word “Abide” which means acceptance. Eliminating frustration keeps me on the path toward happiness. Now I will step down from my soap box and let’s see what events the Commission has selected for this day: The Festival of Popular Delusions Day, Hot Air Balloon Day, National Attitude Day, National Gingerbread Day, National Pineapple Day, National Veggie Burger Day and National Sausage Roll Day. Let us now take a peek into the past: This is the day in 1794 that Congress passed the Neutrality Act which banned Americans from serving in foreign armed forces. On this day in 1884 General William Sherman refused the Republican presidential nomination saying “I will not accept if nominated and I will not serve if elected”. Obviously, no means no. On this day in 1933, the United States dropped the Gold Standard when Congress enacted a joint resolution nullifying a creditors right to demand payment in gold. On June 5, 1944 as part of Operation Tonga, the 1st British gliders touch down on French soil to prepare for the D-Day invasion which happened on June 6. Finally, on this day in 1968 Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert F. Kennedy three times. Robert Kennedy will die on June 6. This is the birthday (1883) of the English economist John Maynard Keynes who said, “The political problem of mankind is to combine three things: economic efficiency, social justice and individual liberty” and “When the facts change, I change my mind.” This is the day in 2004 that Ronald Reagan died. He said, “Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.” You now have some points to ponder and a possible menu for dinner (sausage roll works for me). Abide.