It’s March 25th, 2021 and it’s another brand new, never been used, once in a lifetime day. It’s got all the bells and whistles. The opportunities are endless. It’s up to you how you are going to live it. I’m going to try and squeeze as much happiness out of it as I can. Why? Because It’s International Waffle Day, National Lobster Newburg Day, National Medal Of Honor Day, Old New Year’s Day and Pecan Day. None of these events gets me too excited. I’ll go with waffles. Now to the What Happened part of my post. In 1807 on this date, the British Parliament abolished the slave trade throughout the British Empire. On this day in 1863 the 1st US Army Medal of Honor was awarded to six soldiers. In 1882, the 1st demonstration of pancake making was held at a department store in New York City. On this date in 1961, the Russians launched Sputnik 10 that carries a dog into Earth orbit. On this day in 1965 Martin Luther King led 25,000 people from Selma AL to the steps of the Capitol in Montgomery AL to protest voting rights. This is the day that Ishi died in 1916. Ishi was the only Yahi Indian survivor of the California genocide which wiped out his tribe. Ishi said, “If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?” This is the birthday (1906) of Alan John Percival Taylor. He was an English historian. He said, “Knowledge breeds doubt, not certainty, And the more we know the more uncertain we become.” He also said, “If there had been no troublemakers, no dissenters, we should still be living in caves.” It would be fun to spend an afternoon with him. That’s enough for this day. Abide.