The clock reads 03.21.2021. Did you know that the average life span in Florida is 80 years? That’s 29,200 days. Today is my 27,669th day of life. When I tell you that each day should be treated as a celebratory event, this is why. We only get so many of them. Here’s the list for today: Buzzard Day, National California Strawberry Day, National Crunchy Taco Day, Memory Day, National Common Courtesy Day and National French Bread Day. There’s more but this is enough. I’ll pick tacos to celebrate. Now to historical footnotes. In 1349 on this day, between 100 and 3,000 Jews were murdered in Erfurt, Germany. The mob held them responsible for the Black Death. On this day in 1824 a fire at the Cairo ammunition dump killed 4,000 horses. This is the day in 1844 that William Miller, a famous Baptist preacher predicted the return of Christ and the end of the world. I’ll bet that was embarrassing. In 1925 Tennessee governor Austin Peay passed the “Butler Act,” making Tennessee the 1st state to outlaw teaching the theory of evolution (repealed 1967). Finally, in 1995 on this day, the State of New Jersey officially dedicated the Howard Stern Rest Area along Route 295. He must be so proud. This is the day the world lost Chinua Achebe who was a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. Chinua said “A functioning, robust democracy requires a healthy educated, participatory followership, and an educated, morally grounded leadership.” Here is another quote: “When old people speak it is not because of the sweetness of words in our mouths; it is because we see something which you do not see.” I like both of those. Enough for today. Treat this day as if it was something special. It is because we’re alive to live it. Abide.