March 14, 2021. No one is going to remember what you or I did on this day in a hundred years. In fact, only a few will even know that we existed at all. We will be reduced to a name in a chart of ancestors. There’s some freedom in that knowledge. You are free to do whatever you want because in the long run, it won’t matter. Life and living is about the present. Today is Celebrate Scientists Day, Learn About Butterflies Day, National Potato Chip Day, Save A Spider Day (not), National Write Your Story Day, White Day (think chocolate) and Pi Day. I would rather celebrate “Pie Day” instead of Pi Day. I’ll have to go with chips and white chocolate. In 1794 on this day Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin machine which revolutionized the cotton industry in the South. On this day in 1903 the 1st national bird reservation was established in Sebastian, Florida. On this day in 1903 the South African Supreme Court declared that marriages not celebrated according to Christian rites are invalid which nullified all Muslim and Hindu marriages. Finally, in 1973 future US senator John McCain was released after spending over five years in a North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp. This is the birthday (1879) of Albert Einstein. He has fabulous quotes. Here are a few: “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” This is also the day mankind lost Stephen Hawking. Also many great quotes from this brilliant scientist. He said, “I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.” That is a wrap for this post on this once in a lifetime day. Abide.