This is the 3rd day of 2021. I write this post to start my day and to establish my attitude. Dale Carnegie said, “Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” For the most part, you get to decide what kind of a day you are going to have. I intend to have a good one. Let’s see what events the Commission has deemed important enough to have their very own day: Festival of Sleep Day, Memento Mori or Remember You Die Day, National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day, National Write To Congress day and Women Rock Day which is about the women of rock and roll. Should I write to Congress? My experience has been that unless you’re writing to them on the back of check with a sizable donation, it won’t do much good. My pick is the chocolate covered cherry. Onto history: In 1496 Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tests a flying machine. I looked up Leonardo’s quotes and they are impressive. He said, “I have always felt it is my destiny to build a machine that would allow man to fly.” In 1932 Martial law is declared in Honduras to stop revolt by banana workers fired by United Fruit. If you want to understand imperialism, research United Fruit. In 1938 March of Dimes established to fight polio. As a child I remember how frightened everyone was of getting polio and living in an iron lung. Prior to 1988, 1,000 children a day were infected. In 1977 on this day Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs incorporate Apple Computer, Inc. This is Marcus Tullius Cicero’s birthday. Born in 106 BC. This Roman philosopher said “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” He also said “It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own.” I’m sure we will see the second quote in action this week. Stay safe and be sure to abide.