11.30.2020. We have made it through the month of November. There were a few surprises but not many. The easy prediction was that the virus would take off. On the bright side, Moderna is making emergency application for their vaccine and the national inoculation will begin in December. Normal is getting closer but it won’t be the same one we had before the pandemic. I am optimistic about what lies ahead. That’s the future and this is the present and it’s National Mason Jar Day, Cities For Life Day, Perpetual Youth Day, Stay At Home Because You’re Well Day, Personal Space Day and National Mousse Day. My pick is perpetual youth day. I try to keep the child inside alive. Cities for life day is about capital punishment. On this day in 1786 Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II promulgates a penal reform, making his the 1st state to abolish the death penalty. November 30 commemorated as Cities for Life Day. This is the day in 1864 that the battle of Franklin, Tennessee is fought. Confederate attack fails, 7,700 casualties. This is the day in 1907 that the Pike Place Market opens in Seattle. This is the day in 1950 that US President Harry Truman threatens China with atom bomb. Today is Mark Twain’s birthday. He was born in Florida Missouri in 1835. I’m sure you’ve heard many of Twain’s quotes: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” “We have the best government that money can buy.” And, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” I think Mark Twain would be one of the 10 people I’d like to spend a day with. That’s enough for this day. Be safe. Be kind. Abide.