We’re at the end of the time/space known as July 2020. It’s the 31st day of this not so good month. Hurricane Isaias is forecast to give Florida a glancing blow as it travels up the East Coast. I hope so. We’ve got enough on our plate right now. I’m going to pick something from today’s list to enjoy: National Avocado Day, National Cotton Candy Day, National Jump for Jelly Beans Day, National Talk in an Elevator Day, National Mutt Day, Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day, Shredded Wheat Day and National Raspberry Cake Day. I think I’ve got some avocado. I’ll go with that. There’s a few interesting foot notes to write about. This is the day in 1703 that Daniel Defoe (author of Robinson Crusoe) is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but is pelted with flowers. This is the day in 1922 that 18-year-old Ralph Samuelson rides world’s 1st water skis in Minnesota. This is the day in 1970 called Black Tot Day: the last day of the officially sanctioned rum ration in the Royal Navy which started in 1740. A truly bad day for sailors. Lastly, in 1988 on this day, the last Playboy Club closes in Lansing, Michigan. A sad day for whoever went there I guess. This is the day in 1965 that J. K. Rowling, English writer (Harry Potter novels), was born. If yo haven’t read the Harry Potter series and watched the movies, you’ve missed something special. She said, “What’s coming will come and we’ll just have to meet it when it does.” That’s a good way to think about August 2020. This is the day in 1784 that Denis Diderot, French writer/philosopher, dies at 70. My favorite quote from Diderot is “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” A great quote on several different levels, sarcasm being at the top. And on that note, try to enjoy the last day of July 2020. Abide.