We’ve rounded the turn and are nearing the finish line of July 2020. It’s now the 29th day. So far, not so good. On top of the chaos we’ve Tropical Cyclone Nine headed for Florida that will hit us on Sunday and Monday. Hoping it stays a cyclone. But that’s a few days away. Today is what we need to focus on. It’s International Tiger Day, National Chicken Wing Day, National Lasagna Day, Rain Day and National Lip Stick Day. My pick would be the wings. Yum. This is the day in 1609 that Samuel de Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs at Ticonderoga, New York setting the stage for French-Iroquois conflicts for the next 150 years. In 1715 on this day, 10 Spanish treasure galleons are sunk off Florida’s coast by a hurricane. This is the day in 1976 In New York City, that the “Son of Sam” kills one person and seriously wounds another in first of a series of attacks. Lastly, on this day in 1987 Ben & Jerry’s and Jerry Garcia agree on a new flavor of ice cream: Cherry Garcia. This is the birthday (1914) of comedian “Professor” Irwin Corey who said, “If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going.” I fear he’s right. This is day in 1890 that Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (Sunflowers), dies 2 days after shooting himself at 37. He was probably bipolar. I’ve seen his work and it’s mesmerizing. He said, “I dream of painting and then I paint my dream”. That’s enough for this day. Now go out and seek out and pursue some happiness. There’s always some of it to be found if you look for it. Abide..

