Here we are. The earth has rotated into the time/space of June 5, 2020. Over a thousand American’s will die because of the virus. Several hundreds of thousands of people will march in the streets and millions will worry about how they pay their rent. Seems like yesterday. The Dali Lama said that if something can be fixed, there is no need to worry and if it can’t be fixed, worrying won’t help. So, I’m not going to worry about the future today. I’m going to celebrate the Festival of Popular Delusions Day, Hot Air Balloon Day, National Attitude Day, National Gingerbread Day, National Doughnut Day, National Veggie Burger Day and National Sausage Roll Day. Let us now see what our past looks like: On this day in1884 Civil War General William Sherman refuses Republican presidential nomination saying “I will not accept if nominated & will not serve if elected”. Obviously, no means no. On this day in 1933, the United States drops the Gold Standard when Congress enacts a joint resolution nullifying creditors right to demand payment in gold. On June 5, 1944 as part of Operation Tonga, the 1st British gliders touch down on French soil to prepare for the D-Day invasion which happens tomorrow. Finally, on this day in 1968 Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan shoots Robert F. Kennedy three times. Robert Kennedy dies the next day. This is the birthday (1883) of the English economist John Maynard Keynes who said, “Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.” As if to prove Keynes right, this is the day in 1993 that Ronald Reagan dies at the age of 93. He said, “Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.” You now have some points to ponder and a possible menu for dinner (sausage roll works for me). Stay safe and Abide.