We have one more day of May 2020. I for one will be glad when this is over. I hope June is better but that looks increasingly doubtful. The Pandemic and civil unrest are immediate problems but the 800 pound guerrilla sitting in the corner is the economy. We can leave it alone for another day. It will be waiting for us in June. May 31 is National Meditation Day, National Smile Day (if you have a dark enough sense of humor you can find laughter in almost anything), Speak in Complete Sentences Day, What You Think Upon Grows Day and World Parrot Day. This is the day in1879 that Madison Square Garden opens in New York, named after 4th President James Madison. In 1884 Dr John Harvey Kellogg patents “flaked cereal”. This is the day in 1900 US troops arrive in Beijing, help put down Boxer Rebellion. The “Boxers” was a movement to kick foreigners out of China. Their real beef was with the Christian missionaries and Chinese converts. When it was all over, 100,000 people had died. And then in 1912 US marines land on Cuba. See a tread here? Today is the birthday (1819) of Walt Whitman, American poet and volunteer nurse during the Civil War. Walt said, “Re-examine all that you have been told… dismiss that which insults your soul.” This is the day that Jack Demsey stopped living in 1983 Jack Dempsey he was the heavyweight champion from 1919 to 1926. Jack said, “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.” That brings my daily post to it’s timely end. Stay safe out there. Abide.