We’re moving closer to the summit of May 2020. It’s now the 12th day and soon we will reach the midpoint and head toward June. At the start of this year, it looked like it would be filled with travel, troprock concerts, Parrot Head parties and memory making events. I had high expectations. Maybe next year. That’s the future and we’re not there yet. We are here and today is International Nurses’ Day, Odometer Day, Limerick Day and National Nutty Fudge Day. The list isn’t long but I think we can all agree that fudge is a good thing. Now to history: On this day in 1871 segregated street cars were integrated in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1933 the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration are formed to help the needy and farmers. This was part of FDR’s effort to life us out of the Great Depression. In 1942 a Nazi U-boat sinks an American cargo ship at mouth of Mississippi River. Finally, on this day in 1963 Bob Dylan walks off the “Ed Sullivan Show set. He wasn’t famous yet and this would have been a jump start to his career. Censors rejected the song he was going to play, “Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” and he walked out. The objectionable lyrics were ”Looked up my chimney hole – Looked down deep inside my toilet bowl”. Today is Yogi Berra’s birthday. He said, “Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical” and “You can observe a lot by just watching.” I didn’t find anyone interesting who died on this day who was quotable. That happens sometimes. Yogi Berra quotes should be enough. That wraps up 5/12/2020. Have a safe day. Abide.