This day is April 22, 2020. Another day of social isolation awaits. I have food, shelter, the internet, books, a thousand piece puzzle, years of episodes of Cheers and my best friend. Life is good. Today is “In God We Trust” Day, April Showers Day, International Mother Earth Day and National Jelly Bean Day. Not a long list today but I do like jelly beans. Good enough for me. On this day in 1793 President Washington attends opening of Rickett’s, 1st circus in US. John Ricketts brought the circus to America from England and it wasn’t a traveling circus. It was a amphitheater in Philadelphia that featured horses, acrobats and clowns. In 1876 the first National League game in baseball history played at Philadelphia’s Jefferson Street Grounds when the Boston Red Stockings beat Philadelphia Athletics, 6-5. On this day in 1915 is the 1st military use of poison gas (chlorine, by Germany) in WW I. Finally, in 1976 Barbara Walters becomes 1st female nightly network news anchor (Today Show). This is the birthday (1937) of Jack Nicholson who said, “My motto is: more good times.” Mine too Jack, mine too. Today is also the day in 1984 when Ansel Adams passed at the age of 82. He said, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Spend some time today and search on images for Ansel Adams. With that, I’ll begin the rest of this day. Be safe and remember to Abide.