The Earth is now traveling the 1.603 million miles through space designated as April 21st, 2020. We’re moving fast but yesterday and the day before, we were moving fast too. It’s a good thing that space is pretty much empty of large objects. Today has some interesting events. It’s Big Word Day. The biggest one I can find is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia which is the fear of big words. I’m not making this up. It’s also Bulldogs are Beautiful Day, Keep Off the Grass Day, San Jacinto Day (last battle of the Texas Revolution), National Tea Day, National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day and World Creativity and Innovation Day. Bulldogs are ugly so I’ll go with chocolate covered cashews. Onthis day in 1649 Maryland Toleration Act passed in the American colony, allowing freedom of worship for Christians but sentencing to death anyone who rejected the divinity of Jesus. That deserves a WTF? In 1855, the 1st train crosses Mississippi River’s on the 1st bridge which spans the Mississippi River between Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa. Finally, in 1986 Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone’s vault on TV and finds nothing. I remember watching that show. This is the English novelist, Charlotte Bonte’s birthday (1816). She is the person that suggested, “Look twice before you leap”. Always sound advice. This is the day in 1910 that Samuel Clemens known as Mark Twin died at the age of 74. He said, “Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” And now please continue living this once in your lifetime day. You are never getting another exactly like it. Abide.