We are now in the time/space of April 3, 2020. Still flying through space, making a big circle around our galaxy. Do you know how long it takes our Sun to make the complete trip? It takes us 250 million years to make one orbit and we’re moving at nearly 500,000 mph. Moving from there to here, today is American Circus Day, Fish Fingers and Custard Day, National Chocolate Mousse Day and World Party Day. There’s more but this is enough. Did you know that Fish Fingers (sticks) make a pretty good fish taco? They’re shaped right, have a crunch, not bad. Now let’s see what happened on April 3rd. In 1860 the Pony Express began between St Joseph, Missouri & Sacramento, California. In 1882, Jesse James is killed by a gang member, Robert Ford, at his home in St Joseph. Ford was paid a reward and given amnesty for his previous crimes. Jessie’s tombstone reads ““Jesse W. James, Died April 3, 1882, Aged 34 years, 6 months, 28 days, Murdered by a traitor and a coward whose name is not worthy to appear here.” Finally, in 1953 American magazine “TV Guide” publishes 1st issue, features on the cover the new born baby of actors Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. This is the birthday (1783) of Washington Irvin who wrote the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. He said, “Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.” This is also the day in 2016 that Joseph Medicine Crow, the last Plains war chief died. To be a “war chief” you had to accomplish certain feats in battle which Joseph did in Germany in WWII. His grandfather was a scout for General Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. If you’ve got a few extra minutes today, you might search on Joseph and read about him. Interesting guy. That’s about it for this day. Stay away from the Zombies out here. Wash, wash and wash some more. Abide.