At 5:22 this morning ( I looked at my watch), I composed the following Haiku (Japanese poem of 3 lines containing 5 7, & 5 syllables):

Yoda would tell you
The virus can find us not
Home alone us be

Funny how our mind never shuts off. Anyway, it’s March 31st, 2020. A month I’ll remember, and not in a good way. So much of what makes life enjoyable is our social relationships. Now they are dangerous. Soon it will be over. Today is César Chávez Day. He said, “The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people.” It’s also Equal Pay Day, Clams On The Half Shell Day, National Crayon Day, National Tater Day and National Farm Worker Day. A tip of my hat to the people who work on farms so that we can have food on our table. Now a history lesson: In 1717 A sermon on “The Nature of the Kingdom of Christ” by Benjamin Hoadly, provokes the Bangorian Controversy. I’m betting you have no idea what the Bangorian Controversy was. There were two philosophies at the time. One was that God selected the rulers, aka the Kings and Princes and the other was that they were just ordinary men without divine guidance. Those competing philosophies still exist today. In 1850 the US population is 23,191,876 of which 3,638,808 of 15.7% are African American. Finally, on this day in 1972, the rum ration in the Royal Canadian Navy ended. A sad day for sailors. Today is the birthday (1596) of the French philosopher René Descartes. He is the one who said, “I think, therefore I am”. He also said, “Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.” This is the day in 1727 that Isaac Newton drew his last breath at the age of 84. He said, “What goes up, must come down”. He also said, “Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.” We should all try to be as tactful as possible, especially on Facebook. Nuff said. Be safe out there. Be like Yoda. Abide.
