It’s February 8, 2020. I would like to once again point out that an average of 151,600 people who lived yesterday, don’t today. I’m grateful to not be on that list and to still be traveling on this highway of life. My off ramp is still in the future and that’s the way I like it. It’s National Kite Flying Day, Boy Scouts Day, Laugh And Get Rich Day, Global Movie Day and National Molasses Bar Day. None of these make me want to throw a party. February is Great American Pies Month so I’ll have to go with that. I like pie. Now to the history. On this date in 1587 Mary, Queen of Scots, is beheaded at the 44. Before the axe came down she said to her executioner “I forgive you with all my heart, for now, I hope, you shall make an end of all my troubles.” Mary went out with style. In 1622 King James I disbands the English parliament. Why? Because Kings can. In 1883 Louis Waterman begins experiment to invent the fountain pen. I checked Amazon and a new Waterman costs between $13 and over $150. In 1910 the Boy Scouts of America is incorporated by William D. Boyce. In 1930 on this date the song “Happy Days Are Here Again” hits #1. On this date in 1942 Congress advises FDR that, Americans of Japanese descent should be locked up en masse so they wouldn’t oppose the US war effort. In 1944, the 1st African American reporter is accredited to White House. His name is Harry McAlpin. President Roosevelt ordered that McAlpin be credentialed. Before McAlpin’s first Oval Office news conference, though, the association again tried to stop him, warning the room would be so crowded with him in it, he might cause a riot. McAlpin calmly replied, “That would be a hell of a news story, and I want to be there for that.” This is the day in 1921 that Lana Turner was born. She said, “A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man”. And I’ll leave you with another good quote from Lana, “I started off wanting one husband and seven children, but it ended up the other way around.” Nothing profound there but something to smile at. With that, I’m off to live this day. Abide.