It’s now December 28th, 2019. Only a few more days and 2019 will become history. My expectation for 2020 is low. I expect the volume of our political discordance to be turned up to 10 (on a scale of 10). The lies, half truths, insinuations and insults will come from both tribes and we will become more separated than we already are. Despite this reality, my plan is to let it roll off my back like water off a duck. I will focus on each day and chase the happiness that each new day can bring. That’s what I’m doing today because it is Call A Friend Day, Pledge of Allegiance Day, National Playing Card Day, National Download Day and National Chocolate Candy Day. This is the day in 1942 when Congress recognized the Pledge. It was the middle of the war and enlistments were required. Personally, I’m picking Chocolate. It’s number two on my all time favorite list, right behind Vodka. This is the date in 1832 that John C. Calhoun becomes the 1st VP to resign because of differences with President Jackson. If you think we’ve got it bad today because of politics, back in 1832 the country was about to break apart because of slavery. That was the reason Calhoun resigned. In 1849 M Jolly-Bellin discovers dry-cleaning. He accidentally upset lamp containing turpentine & oil on his clothing & sees cleaning effect. Now you know! In 1869 on this date, William Finley Semple of Mount Vernon, Ohio, patents chewing gum. Finally in 1961 Tennessee Williams’ “Night of the Iguana” premieres in NYC. The only reason I’m telling you this is to get to a quote from Tennessee Williams: “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” Absolutely true. I avoid people who bring me down and treasure the ones who lift me up. This date in1922 is the day that Stan Lee took his first breath. He is/was a comic-book artist, writer and creative leader of Marvel Comics. He said “To have the right friends is everything: people you can depend on, people who tell you the truth if you ask something.” He and Tennessee Williams agree. Today, I will celebrate my friends. Thanks for being there. Abide