Earth is now in the time/space of December 27th, 2019. We’re in between Christmas and New Years. Living on left overs, home still decorated, still trying out new gifts. Out of town visitors getting ready to return home. It’s a nice time. Beware of the storm if you’re in the North. This time of year we used to travel with a candle made in a coffee can which would be enough to warm up a car stuck in a snow storm for 3 days. Now, we don’t need to. Now all I need is socks and long pants. That’s something to celebrate. There’s also Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day, Fruitcake Day and Visit the Zoo Day. Pretty slim on formal events for this day. Now to the way back machine: In 1512 the Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regards to native Indians in the New World. I’d never heard of the Laws of Burgos so I looked them up. What they set forth was rules to cover the enslavement of Native populations and their conversion to Catholicism. Now you know. In 1900 Carrie Nation’s 1st public smashing of a bar. It was the Carey Hotel in Wichita KS. In 1915 US Iron and Steel workers begin a 3-week strike in Ohio for a eight-hour-day and they are successful. 1934 Shah of Persia Mohammad Reza Pahlavi declares Persia now Iran. I wondered where Persia went. Now I know. In 1937 Mae West performs Adam & Eve skit that gets her banned from NBC radio. I bring this up to give you a Mae West quote: “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before”. This is the birthday (1901) of Marlene Dietrich, the German Actress. She was a stunning beauty. Here are a couple of quotes ” Darling, the legs aren’t so beautiful, I just know what to do with them” and “The friends you can call at 4 AM are the ones that matter”. I think I’ll give a happy birthday toast to Ms. Dietrich. I like her attitude. Now, I’ll start me day. You be sure and abide now.