Yesterday was a great day. I was truly thankful to be with family and friends and the food was good too. I expect November 29, 2019 to be just as good. The commission has out done it self today. There are too many celebrations to go over so I will pick the best of the bunch. It’s Black Friday, and it’s also buy nothing day. It’s National chocolate day, National leftovers day, national lemon cream pie day, throw out your leftovers day, and national native American heritage day. I have to go for the chocolate but the lemon cream pie is a close second. Now the history of this date. In 1781 the crew of the slave ship Zong murder about 142 African slaves by dumping them into the sea to claim the insurance. In 1870, compulsory education proclaimed in England. In 1890 the first US army navy football game is held. Score is navy 24 army zero. In 1910, the a US patent is given for inventing the traffic light system. In 1933 the first state liquor store is authorized in Pennsylvania. Finally, in 1944 John Hopkins hospital performs the first open heart surgery. Before this day in 1944 a bad heart valve was a death sentence. This is the birthday (1898) of CS Lewis who was a British author. Here is a quote: “we are what we believe we are”. I could not agree more. This is also the day that Cary Grant assumed room temperature. Here’s a quote from Carrie “I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person”. I guess the moral for today is, you can be whoever you decide to be. With that I think I will start my day. Abide