The celestial clock has now moved one notch over to November 25, 2019. I’ve been waiting for this day since yesterday. It will be colder than I’d like it but much warmer than points further North. Watched a little bit of the Patriots and Cowboy game last night. It was raining and it was cold. I can understand why the players were on the field: they get paid mega bucks to do this. What I can’t figure out is why people were sitting in the stands watching. But they did and I’m sure at least half of them are sick today. I’m not. The list of events is short today: Blasé Day, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, National Parfait Day and Shopping Reminder Day. Nothing to get excited about in this list. Let’s move onto history: In 1817 the first sword swallower in US performs (NYC). In 1920, the 1st Thanksgiving Parade is held in Philadelphia. In 1949, “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” appears on music charts. In 1973, US cuts maximum speed limit cut to 55 MPH as an energy conservation measure. I hated that. Felt like I was driving 20 mph all the time. This day is the birthday (1835) of Andrew Carnegie. He is one of the richest men to ever live. He was also a philanthropist. During the last 18 years of his life, he gave away $350 million ($65 billion in 2019 dollars) almost 90 percent of his fortune. He said “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” I’ve been operating under that theory for most of my life. My quote is “I don’t believe what people say, I believe what people do”. This is also the day in 1949 that Bojangles died. His name was Luther Robinson. He was one of the most famous black entertainers of his day. He wasn’t however, the person who inspired the song, Mr. Bojangles written by Jerry Jeff Walker. That Bojangles was a homeless street dancer in the next cell to Jerry for a long weekend in the New Orleans jail for being drunk in public. That is it for this rather meandering post. Hope you have an excellent day. Abide