We will rotate into the sunlight of a new and unique place in time/space in a few minutes known as November 24, 2019. It’s going to be a great day to live. All of my days are but I have high expectations for this one. Some pool, some football, some friends, great food, good drinks, what could be better than that? The right attitude makes a big difference. If you need a little help, it’s also Brownielocks Day (celebrate brunettes), Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day, D.B. Cooper Day, Mother Goose Parade Day and National Sardines Day. Granted, none of these can be the foundation of your day. Yes, Sardines are very good for you, they are cheap and they are sustainable but I rarely eat them. I should eat them more often. Onto history: In 1835, the Texas Rangers, mounted police force are authorized by Texas Provisional Government. In 1859 English naturalist Charles Darwin publishes “On the Origin of Species”. Darwin was an obviously smart person. Here’s one of his quotes: “An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men.” In 1960, Wilt Chamberlain pulls down 55 rebounds in a game (NBA record). In 1966, 400 die of respiratory failure & heart attacks in New York City smog, smoggiest day in city’s history. Think about that. We’ve made real progress in cleaning up our air. One of the best things that Nixon did was to create the EPA. Finally, this was the day in 1971 that Dan “DB” Cooper parachutes from a Northwest AL 727 with $200,000, hence D.B. Cooper Day. This is the birthday in 1896 of Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Italian-American gangster of the New York mafia, born in Sicily, Italy. He said: “There’s no such thing as good money or bad money.There’s just money.” It is also the day that Diego Rivera passed on. He said “I’ve never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso.” That is about it for today. It’s going to be a very good one. I can feel it. Abide